河北卫邦食品有限公司是集研发生产销售于一体的现代化民营企业。公司以现代科技为依托,引进了先进技术和设备,采用现代工艺和科学严格的质量控制体系来组织和管理生产,自主研发有“多米滋”“卫邦” “牧莱德”:复合蛋白饮品系列、果汁饮料系列、钻石包发酵酸奶系列、八宝粥系列。产品远销山东、河北、山西、天津、北京、内蒙、黑龙江等省市及地区。公司坐落于富绕的燕赵大地阜城县经济开发区西区、厂房面积达15000多平方米,现有大专学历以上的科研人员30名,职工300多名,其中拥有中专学历以上的工作人员50余人。公司以“诚实守信、凝聚创新、精忠敬业、追求卓越”为座右铭,凭借得天独厚的绿色无污染的自然条件,科学严谨的研发质检系统,先进完善的营销理念,坚持“质量高于一切”的质量方针,从源头抓起,合理配置资源、精心加工,加强制度化、多元化,发展系列饮品深加工、精包装,形成品牌、市场、产品、奶源基地、产业化经营五大可依托优势,从而为卫邦食品做大做强、沉着应对行业竞争、全面进军国内市场夯实基础,为促进河北经济发展,强化市民营养做出我们应有贡献。
Hengshui centenarian food co., LTD. Is a modern private enterprise integrating r&d and production sales.
Company,which is based on modern SC ience and techno logy,the introduction of advanced
techno logy and equipment,using modern technology and the scientific and str ict quality
control system to organize and manage product i on,independent research and deve I opment is
more meters zi WeiBang pastoral rider: middle -aged and old series high calcium Fruit juice
ser ies Diamond package fermentat ion yogurt ser ies products are exported to shandong Beijing
tianjin hebei shanxi Inner Mongolia, heilongjiang and other provinces and cities and re-gions the company is located in the rich fucheng mound of yanzhao earth east road 21,plant
area of more than 15000 square meters, the existing college degree of above 30 scientific
research personnel and more than 300 emp | oyees,among them have the technica | secondary
school degree or above personnel more than 50 people
Company to honesty Condensed innovat ion Loya Ity ded ication The pursuit of excel lence As
the motto, green pollution-free with unique natural conditions, scientific research and de-
ve lopment of r igorous qua | ity inspect ion system,
strengthen nutrition to make our due con-
tr ibut ion